We all know that the Goggles of Google is Google Glass but do we know who the leaders of Google+ are? It seems like I've been binge-surfing Google and G+ recently, and particularly working on my account on the latter these past few days. Well, I have always found G+ to be a more time-consuming social media platform than its more popular counterparts, but I have always thought of it as being indubitably more elaborate and perhaps even more intelligent. I have, nonetheless, never quite immersed myself in that world of Google Plus therefore I cannot give detailed accounts on its intricate design. (Ha, I could never actually really do that as I am a writer and not a computer scientist).
But I digress, what I really wanted to write about was the news about Google+ that I happened to read by actually having followed +Bradley Horowitz on G+. (My, little wonder G+ is not popular, it does take me forever just to find the plus sign on the top of my keyboard. It is the least used value, I am sure. on any keyboard wherever it is situated).
This is what I like about modern technology and the digital world. Merely owing to the simple fact that I had followed someone and was browsing my stream, I was able to know in advance the soon-to-be-announced mainstream media news announcement. It is a fascinating little wonder in today's globalized world to be, though even just a "millistep" - no such word, I know - ahead of the big strides and leaps of the popular news outlets by knowing the big news before the general public. I am repeating myself. Very well, so in their quick roundup Reuters tells us that "Google Inc's (GOOGL.O) Bradley Horowitz will run the company's Photo and Streams products, in a move that indicates the company may be reorganizing its Google+ social networking site.
Horowitz, vice president of product management since 2008, announced the move in a Google+ post late on Sunday." http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/02/us-google-managementchanges-idUSKBN0LY0WH20150302

I also hope that Google Plus will be more attractive for users though I can hardly imagine how separating the stream and photos will make it more simple. I cannot imagine yet how it will all work so we will have to wait to see.
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