Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Friday, 6 March 2015

THE FORSAKEN CONTINENT (excerpt from my unfinished Novel - No Title - by Giselle Rakobowchuk ©. All rights reserved. ©

CHAPTER THE THIRTEENTH: THE FORSAKEN CONTINENT (excerpt from unfinished Novel - No Title - by Giselle Rakobowchuk ©) All rights reserved. ©

On did the paths without borders take them. Ahead did their feet traverse. The whiffs of haze veiled their eyes; the memories of smoke, of a land of cement, of a dreary past resurfaced in her mind. A turn to the left, an ascending slope. A turn to the right, a rugged ground. The presupposed hour transformed into two for the steps of the lady were slow. Time wore on as hope for an end diminished. But, halt! No further could they go. Before them stood a great wall of dried out bushes which, being perplexingly entangled into each other, blocked their path (...) It was not long before the way was finally cleared and a small entrance made. (...)
“There, before me thou art, but I do not fully see thee for a concealed part of thy soul is what I am seeking. Aye, those eyes of thine that shine like many significant expressions are captured in them...and they alternate, as the changing climates of the year; they flash with irrevocable signs of fury; they shimmer with enigmatic gusts of joy; cry they do, but no tears have I seen fall; whisper they do, but their words I comprehend not; they express all that is in thee...yet I cannot grasp what ‘tis. What...what...I ask of thee is this; what lieth beneath all that?”
Her heart softened as irrepressible joy overwhelmed it. Clearly, in her eyes, he had not only given her his friendship but had been expecting hers in return.
by Giselle Rakobowchuk © All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form only admitted with approval from author...

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

A Tale of Two Worlds

Ah yes! "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" to quote the amazing Dickens. I do derive joy and I smile inwardly when reviewing my older posts from several years ago when the carefree days of my time at University allowed me to occupy the free hours with little adventures in the virtual world of Final Fantasy. I nonetheless explored the communities more than I played. It was the digital phenomenon of Actuality's veiled online presence that fascinated me and fascinates me still.

I hope to be able to continue this blog in a more organized and systematic fashion with interesting topics on the virtual and the real life world. Desirably, the blog will develop into a specific yet unique source for many things digital in a harmonized tone...something very much like a "virtual concerto".

Before I conclude this post I must return to Dickens and include the continuation of his magnificent introduction to his "A Tale of Two Cities" whilst bearing in mind our Digital Age;

" was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going the other way - in short, the period was (...) far like the present period..."